Hotel Rezydent Kraków

Voucher kwotowy na usługi hotelu Rezydent***

Make yourself or your loved ones happy - give them a voucher to use in our hotel.

  • The voucher entitles you to book an accommodation at the Rezydent hotel
  • The night includes breakfast little surprise in the room 
  • In order to make a reservation, please contact the booking department at the following numbers: +48 12 429 54 10 or by e-mail to the following address:

General conditions

  1. Hotel Rezydent *** Krakow offers for sale quota and residence Vouchers, which can be purchased for the use of the Buyer or third parties
  2. The Seller undertakes to accept the Voucher purchased by the Buyer for implementation at the Rezydent *** Krakow hotel
  3. The Purchaser undertakes to pay for the Voucher in an amount equal to the nominal value of the Voucher. The voucher is issued after payment
  4. The voucher can be used at the Rezydent *** Kraków hotel after prior booking and confirmation by e-mail
  5. The Voucher user who makes a room reservation based on it must present the Voucher during check-in at the Rezydent *** Krakow hotel. If you do not have an original Voucher or an invalid Voucher, the hotel has the right to refuse to provide the service ordered based on such a Voucher.
  6. The voucher is not refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash and must be redeemed once and in full
  7. The voucher is valid for up to 12 months from the date of purchase


Terms of use

  1. The Voucher User is obliged to book the date of using the Voucher for accommodation at the Rezydent *** Krakow hotel (tel. +48 12 429 54 10, or e-mail:
  2. When making a reservation based on a purchased voucher, the price on the day of booking applies
  3. When redeeming the Voucher, you are not entitled to receive the rest of the unused amount of the Voucher, if the value of the service is lower than the value of the Voucher
  4. The User is obliged to pay the price difference on the spot in the hotel, in cash or by credit card, when the value of the service provided is higher than the value of the Voucher presented or the scope of the Voucher does not include it
  5. The hotel has the right to refuse to redeem the Voucher if its validity has expired
  6. The hotel has the right to refuse to redeem a Voucher for which no payment has been made
  7. Reservations made on the basis of the Voucher become non-returnable offers - without the possibility of making cost-free changes to the date up to 7 days before the planned stay